Bolex Super 16mm & KODAK

👆 Shot On Film 👆

👇 Shot on Digital 👇

👆 Shot On Film 👆 👇 Shot on Digital 👇

A Henry Kim Film

Are you happy, Are you

Shot on Sony a7r, XEEN lens

Genre: Experimental

Log line: He experiences mental instability after being sexually assaulted by a stranger in his childhood.

A Henry Kim Film

I AM Alive

Shot on Sony a7r, 18-55 lens

Genre: Drama, Thriller

Log line: A bullied student contemplates revenge before he kills himself.

Shot in Military Base

Korea Army Video Competition

ROK Army

Thank you, as always

Shot & Edit on iPhone

Genre: Narrative Drama

Story: Discussing the paramount importance of expressing gratitude to others.

AWARDED: 3rd Place

Rok army

we are comrades!

Shot & Edit on iPhone

Genre: Drama, Comedy

Story: Diverse episodes unfolds in the Army base, showcasing comrades helping each other.

HENRY x EHWA Womans University

Contemporary Dance Film



Contemporary Dance Film

Teaser for

Contemporary Dance Competition Participation

Used Program: Adobe Premiere Pro



Contemporary Dance Film

Intro Video for Dance Competition Performance in Seoul

Used Program: Adobe Premiere Pro & After Effects

Youtube channel
